Throw out the rules. They have been constructed by people who favor only the preservation of the current power structure.
If you are spending more than you are taking in, there are---contrary to how the nation is now behaving---three different approaches to balancing your budget.
You could cut your expenditures and simply make do with what you now earn.
You could increase your income and maintain your expenditures.
You could do some of both: trim some expenses and find a way to increse you income just enough to pay for the remaining expenses.
No one in their right mind would suggest that you reduce your income and then compensate for the shortfall by drastically slashing your spending. But, isn't this what we as a nation have just done?
Why should we accept the tax cuts for the wealthy as a given? Why increase the burden for 98% of us so that the top 2% can pocket a few hundred thousand a year more?
This is wrong. To accept it meekly and without protest is immoral.
And, though I do know how this will be received by many, until we are ready to shut down the government with a general strike---block highways, obstruct building entrances and fill the streets around centers of government and the corporate headquarters where our laws are being written, we are likely wasting our time with the pretense of democracy as we now practice it.
As Father Berrigan said, "If voting could change things, it would be illegal."
If our course is not corrected, the next few years will feature automobiles we cannot afford to operate, food that is ever more scarce and expensive and government encouragement of madmen willing to select "others" to blame for our decline. All that is necessary for this future to be made manifest is for us to continue to stay in line, wait our turn and do as we're told by the soulless businessmen who claim to have a bill of sale for our nation.
We'd better find a way to take care of ourselves because I don't think Exxon-Mobil or General Electric is at all interested in the job.