Malaysia Sun
Friday 28th January, 2011
... Unprecedented protests which have gripped the country are believed to have been largely co-ordinated on the Internet primarily through social messaging networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Both networks suffered widespread disruptions Thursday but by Friday were almost totally inaccessable.
Mobile phone networks are also believed to be down almost entirely, restricting telephone calls and texting.
BGPmon, which monitors Internet useage globally, using data from 9 different RIS collectors located around the world, says according to its data, "88% of the ‘Egyptian Internet’ has fallen of the Internet."
"What’s different in this case as compared to other ‘similar’ cases is that all of the major ISP’s seem to be almost completely offline," BGPmon said on a blog on its Web site. "Whereas in other cases, social media sites such as facebook and twitter were typically blocked. In this case the government seems to be taking a shotgun approach by ordering ISPs' to stop routing all networks." ...