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Michelle Bachmann (and the GOP House) Hates Veterans (and America Part 3)

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McCamy Taylor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-11 12:55 PM
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Michelle Bachmann (and the GOP House) Hates Veterans (and America Part 3)
Just when you thought that the Republican controlled House could not sink any lower, here comes Michelle Bachmann. She has a plan to balance the budget that would 1) cut Veterans Administration medical spending by freezing it at current levels and 2) cut disability payments to veterans.

But…but… what harm could a medical spending freeze cause? Lots of harm. As soldiers return home from foreign wars (like the one currently being waged in Afghanistan) they will need to start getting their health care for service related conditions at the VA. Among these soldiers, there will be folks with orthopedic injuries, neurological injuries and mental health issues like post traumatic stress disorder. Until these problems are treated, they will be unable to return to civilian jobs. A VA freeze will mean longer waits for appointments and other services, which will keep some veterans from working. The result---more homeless veterans.

For veterans with service related disability that can not be fixed, Bachmann has even more bad news. Right now, they can collect on their Social Security and they receive a military disability payment. Bachmann calls this double dipping and wants to cut out one of these payments. That means that a soldier who lost his legs protecting his country in war will now be treated the same way as a civilian who slipped on a wet floor and injured his back. Is this fair? Hell no! But no one ever said that the Republicans are fair.

The net result of this “ cost saving measure”: folks will be more reluctant to join the army, knowing that if they are injured they face the prospect of homelessness and/or poverty (social Security disability payments are notoriously low). Way to keep America safe, Rep. Bachmann! And way to show our veterans that we honor them for their courage and the sacrifices they have made!

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Urban Prairie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-11 01:05 PM
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1. Support the troops!!!
Edited on Fri Jan-28-11 01:05 PM by Urban Prairie
Until they no longer can serve, due to related injuries, trauma, and wounds.

Then they are on their own, and Rethugs could not care less about them.

Fucking hypocrites, the lot of them.

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SpiralHawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-11 01:08 PM
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2. Support our troops - throw the Republicon chickenhawks out

Republicon chickenhawks prove over and over that they HATE our sons and daughters in uniform, and especially our veterans.

So sic. They wrap themselves in the flag, then diss our sons and daughters.
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