group of Senate Democrats has identified the new Tea Party caucuses in the House and Senate as existential threats to Social Security, and are aligning to create a bulwark against them. They're pressing President Obama to re-engage and get on their side of the issue, and they have some muscle in the form of their message guru, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
"We're not crying wolf here," Schumer told reporters in the Dirksen Senate office building after a meeting of liberal members. "This is a serious movement to undo the most successful government program in the 20th century."
Because of Republican victories in November, the new Congress has a significantly higher number of Social Security foes than the last one did. In response, a group of progressives, including Schumer, and led by Bernie Sanders (I-VT), have formed the Social Security caucus, to push back against efforts to slash benefits or privatize the program.
They'll need President Obama to have their back on this -- in part because some Democrats think Social Security benefit cuts are the way to go. On that score they're hopeful, but see room for improvement.
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