First of all I must say that I am impressed about what is going on, and find that people are in the right to overthrow an oppressive government.
Second: I recognize the importance of the US staying out of it. However, I do wish that the US would, considering the fact that backing the legitimate uprising is not an option, truly stay out of it. I find it very sad that our politicians would go on record backing the oppressors. Moreover, once this is all over, and Egypt has its democracy, the politicians who voiced support for the authoritarian governments will look like total fools.
Third, I find it sort of ironic, that after all those fake efforts to "promote democracy in the middle east", undergone by Republicans and Democrats alike, when a true populist democratic uprising happens it doesn't get recognized as such. Here we are still finding it necessary to "bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan" by bombing the enemies of illegitimate govnernments, but when the people overthrow a dictator themselves he is suddenly "not a dictator".
It is really a shame.