Bill O'Reilly made a mind-boggling comparison between HuffPost and Hitler. Seeing it on "The Daily Show" didn't sit well with the Fox News host, who said on his next show that the clip was edited in a way took it out of context. Stewart responded:
Why you used the Nazi reference doesn't really matter in this. The segment is for Megyn Kelly to take offense to, not you. It's not all about you, Bill!"
The point of the segment was to show that contrary to what Kelly said, Nazi references run amok on Fox News. But since O'Reilly seemed so eager to provide context with his baseless claim, Stewart obliged him. The content that O'Reilly found suitable to compare to the work of Nazis? It turned out to be a nasty comment someone wrote on a post about Nancy Reagan that violated our commenting policy but slipped by our comment moderators.
"That was a horrible thing for someone to write," Stewart said. "...But being a heartless douche isn't exactly the same as being a Nazi propagandist."