I love Ed's voice on the issues. I preferred seeing him at 6 o'clock but 10 o'clock is ok too and I don't think he's just spinning it when he says he likes the chance to get a bigger west coast audience. I like the changes to the look of his show and haven't noticed any major changes to his content.
That said, the call-in/text polls appear to be gone (they were kind of silly anyway) and I hadn't noticed that Psycho Talk is gone, but my not noticing is probably because that segment always made me cringe so I hadn't missed it. Don't get me wrong, I love him calling out the lies and liars, but using the word "psycho" to describe it is insensitive to people who suffer from mental illness, in my opinion. If he'll still be calling out the lies, which he says he will, (maybe even in it's own segment) and it's not called "psycho talk", then I see that as an improvement to his show.
I've never liked his name-calling either. I grew accustomed to it on his radio show, (and I've heard him defend the name *the drugster* - since Rush's tirade on Jerry Garcia... blah,blah) but I never thought it was good for his tv show. Has he dropped that too? I'll have to pay more attention next week.
On the radio, I heard him say that dropping 10 o'clock LockUp on Fridays may be considered in the future. That would be great.
It sounded today like he wasn't happy that he's off tonight so he won't be able to follow-up with that Leeland Yee > Limbaugh story he ended with yesterday but he promised he won't drop the story. And I believe him because I remember a radio show from the end of last year when he joked (seriously) that taking down Limbaugh was going to be a mission of his in 2011. Hardly a show goes by that he doesn't find the chance to taunt with the "he's too big to fail" and "he answers to no one" angles in response to some crap Limbaugh has spewed. Having Rush's advertisers drop off is something to which I look forward. I cheer Ed on in his attempt to rid the airwaves of that giant slimeball. What a public service that would be!
If you're interested in the segment, here's transcript:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41312925/ns/msnbc_tv-the_ed_show/and here is video:
http://www.wegoted.com/videoblog/details.asp?BID=447it was the last segment of the show.
I'll add > I miss KO and Countdown but I look forward to Keith's next career move too.
And to all who just don't watch TV or MSNBC> Carry on! :hi: