Sorry, no link, but they get it. Wage and economic inequality lead to increasing rage and inevitably to an overthrow of the regime responsible. Unless of course you are talking about the greatest and richest nation the world has ever known. Then, we worship the free market, and call redistribution of anything but misery communist. We talk of reneging on pensions and how our poor are really like the rich, in most countries. We talk in nasty terms about any organization charged with helping empower the dispossessed, or assist in wage negotiation.
I have heard MANY Teafreaks talk about their anticipated unrest, caused directly by our gov. reducing or eliminating entitlements. And how they want only landowners, and those citizens who receive NOTHING smelling of entitlements to be able to vote. They intend to disenfranchise all but the uppermiddleclass and up.
Will the unrest be a surprise to these when it arrives? Hell no. They desire the chaos they rally to create. Obviously, they prefer the military Junta as their preferred form.
So, the next time anyone says to you that Dems are about class warfare, and taking from the rich, to give to the lazy, you know damn well they are feeding you bullshit. They know the formula for civil unrest is inequality. They just have a different agenda. General peace and prosperity is not it.
Thank you Huckabee, for your insight into the depravity of the winger positions.