ABCThree cables from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to the State Department, published by Wikileaks, shed some light on Egypt's new Vice President Omar Suleiman.
1) At an April 2009 meeting between Suleiman, then Egypt's intelligence chief, and U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, Suleiman said "his overarching regional goal was combating radicalism, especially in Gaza, Iran, and Sudan. ... (R)adicalism in Gaza posed a particularly serious threat to Egyptian national security. Soliman said Egypt must 'confront' Iranian attempts to smuggle arms to Gaza and stop arms smuggling through Egyptian territory. 'Egypt is circled by radicalism,' he continued. ... Soliman noted that only the Muslim Brotherhood remained and the Egyptian government continued to 'make it difficult' for them to operate."
Suleiman asserted that Iran is "very active in Egypt," with Hamas receiving $25 million a month from Iran.
Egypt has "started a confrontation with Hezbollah and Iran," Soleiman stressed, and "we will not allow Iran to operate in Egypt." Soliman said, per the cable, that Egypt had made it clear to Iran that if they interfere in Egypt, Egypt will interfere in Iran, with his agency
recruiting agents in Iraq and Syria."
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