Obama answers Kenyan critics with a Sh3.6bn budget for youth project
By MURITHI MUTIGA mmutiga@ke.nationmedia.comPosted Saturday, January 29 2011 at 21:00
The American government has set aside Sh3.6 billion for its youth empowerment programme in Kenya, according to US ambassador Michael Ranneberger.
The announcement, made in a wide-ranging speech to the American Chamber of Commerce on January 25, indicates the Obama administration is not stepping back from its youth outreach efforts in the country, despite criticism from some politicians.
“President Obama has a strong interest in developing the leadership skills of young people and last year held his first Young Africa Leaders Forum. He has charged young people to be agents of change and to ‘stand up for democracy and transparent government.’ Our $45 million (Sh3.6 billion) ‘Yes Youth Can’ programme will empower hundreds of thousands of youth to participate in the development of their country and expand their peaceful participation in the democratic process.”
The youth outreach programme has attracted criticism from politicians including President Kibaki, Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Environment minister John Michuki, who have labelled it an attempt at regime change.
http://www.nation.co.ke/News/Obama%20answers%20Kenyan%20critics%20with%20a%20youth%20project%20/-/1056/1098006/-/12kc17n/-/Freeper reponses:
To: pissant
We’re BROKE, they want to RAISE THE DEBT ceiling, to pay for youth INDOCTRINATION programs in Kenya.
2 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:37:39 PM by ViLaLuz (2 Chronicles 7:14)
To: pissant
how much in that US$?
Still, we should not be funding ANYTHING in other countries.
5 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:39:51 PM by GeronL (
To: pissant
The Feds take more taxes out of my measly pension, and Obama sends it to Kenya.
6 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:41:30 PM by mass55th (Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
To: pissant; All
So...is Kenya one of those 57 states Obama talks about
I guess he wanted to help out the nation of his birth
10 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:43:36 PM by UCFRoadWarrior (Michelle Bachmann would make an excellent President)
To: ViLaLuz
In the time of President Bush, NASA received 10 billion per
year. There is no more NASA since it survives only to
think of this as the remaining NASA money which is not directly going to jihad against Americans, courtesy
of the pRes_ _ent Hussein Obama.
11 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:44:05 PM by Diogenesis (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
To: pissant
This is why a President of the United States can’t have dual citizenship....It sure would be nice if we had an American as president now!
17 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 2:56:42 PM by DefeatCorruption
To: Venturer
gotta keep those Kenyans happy. Don’t want them to send the birth certificate to the NYT, not that they’d publish it.
19 posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:07:17 PM by Josephat