NBC's ''Meet the Press''-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Sen. Mitch McConnell , Martin Indyk :Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Tom Friedman,Mike Murphy,Fmr. Rep. Harold Ford Jr.,Chuck Todd,Katty Kay
CBS' ''Face the Nation'' - New White House Chief of Staff William Daley -- his first television interview since joining the administration.
Plus the latest on the crisis in Egypt, with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
ABC "This Week"-Christiane Amanpour reports live from Cairo, Egypt on the widespread protests that have erupted throughout the city.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Egyptian Ambassador to the U.S. Sameh Shoukry, and National Security Adviser to former President Carter Zbigniew Brzezinski join Amanpour to discuss the fallout from the protests, the Mubarak government's reaction, and how unrest in Egypt will affect the country's relationship with the United States.
Al Jazeera Washington Bureau Chief Abderrahim Foukara, ABC News' George Will, ABC News Senior Foreign Correspondent Martha Raddatz, and ABC News contributor Sam Donaldson join ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper for the roundtable discussion.
CNN's ''State of the Union''-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, Edward S. Walker and former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte.
And Arizona Sen. John McCain, who believes the protests are "a wake-up call" for the Mubarak-led government.
On the domestic front, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer will argue that the GOP is playing a high stakes game of chicken over government spending. Who will blink first?
And finally a conversation with Alan Simpson, the Co-chair of the W.H. Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. His report laid out a path to fiscal discipline, but no one seems ready to follow it.
GPS with Fareed Zakaria:-Budget cutting: British Prime Minister David Cameron. Bankers: Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase.
60 Minutes- Assange Denies Charges Central to U.S. Leak Case
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/01/26/60minutes/main7286686.shtml?tag=contentMainTells "60 Minutes" WikiLeaks Didn't Encourage The Leaking Of Diplomatic Cables
CNN’s “Reliable Sources”-Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg; Jim Geraghty, National Review; Michael Shear, the New York Times. Tiger mom: Lauren Ashburn; Lisa Bloom; Andrea McCarren
The Chris Matthews Show-Andrea Mitchell, John Harris, Rick Stengel, Helen Cooper
''Fox News Sunday''- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton., John Boehner