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Taking Up A Collection: Cake Sale? Any Ideas?

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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 12:06 PM
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Taking Up A Collection: Cake Sale? Any Ideas?
It has come to my attention that there is soon gonna be a huge problem for a certain class of people.

Their budget is going to have to be slashed a great amount and their work may be discontinued.

Therefore, it is my intention to begin raising private funds so they may continue their works.

Cake sale, maybe? Panhandling on street corners? What I need are ideas from yall as the best way do accomplish this task.

Oh, BTW, the funds raised will go to the pentagon so they can buy more drones so they can bomb more Afghans and Yemenis.
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 12:11 PM
Response to Original message
1. obama and congress will see to it that the military has endless money to bomb and kill ->
which brings to mind several slogans from the late 60's -

what if they gave a war and nobody came?

imagine having bake sales to buy bombers and funding for schools instead of bake sales
for schools and funding for bombers (paraphrasing here)
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 12:30 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yep
So, that's where the idea came from...the 60's...... knew it couldn't be original...

If, as you say, they will find the money for more bombs on more people, then why should I worry?

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grasswire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 01:23 PM
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3. it's the digital age
google "crowd funding"
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