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This sentencing one for the books

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 06:49 PM
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This sentencing one for the books

Published Sunday January 30, 2011

By Todd Cooper

It was the zaniest sentencing hearing several attorneys had seen.

In Douglas County District Judge Peter Bataillon’s courtroom last week, Princeston Scott sat convicted of shooting his stepdad three times.

Now, a young man shooting his stepdad three times is strange, but that wasn’t the zany part of this case.

Nor was it that the wounded stepdad sat just seven chairs away from his ex-wife, who has a protection order that prohibits him from being within 100 feet of her. Nor that the ex-wife wagged a finger in her ex-husband’s face.

Nor that the judge thrice declared Scott a “knucklehead” — and then got into a debate with Scott’s mother over whether her son truly was one.

No, the zany part of the sentencing was this: After Bataillon described the sordid family feud, one man stood up, took the blame and apologized for his actions.

FULL story at link..

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Recovered Repug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 07:47 PM
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1. Except for the shooting conviction,
it sounds like every episode of Judge Judy.
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Taitertots Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-11 08:25 PM
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2. 3 to 7 years, what a miscarriage of justice
The judge should be disbarred for his unprofessional name calling and it's obvious indication that he can't objectively determine the case.

Psycho ex-husband terrorizes family and they had to shoot him in self defense. Even the guy he shot came to his senses and can see that it was justified. Bataillon is just butt sore that people refuse to be victims of our shitty legal system that does nothing to protect women from abusive ex-husbands. Getting a gun to protect yourself from someone repeatedly coming to your house to confront you isn't escalation, it is common sense. The only way to know it was a "word-fight" is to pretend that you can see into the future.
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