for spelling,punctuation and content.Thanks,as always
It is 2011,and we remain at war. According to The Marine Corps,since the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan began we have deployed over two million troops to these war zones (793,000 have deployed more than once). Recent statements made by a civilian politician reveal just how much "some' Americans support our troops and war veterans.
Representative Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) outlined her plans for decreasing the Federal budget: 10,000 new veterans enter the VA system every month,Ms Bachmann has chosen The Veterans Administration as an area for 4.5 billion dollars in cuts. Her plan would freeze health care funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and slash $4.5 billion in disability benefits to military veterans.
Needless to say,this has met a little resistance.
The following organizations have made statements requesting that Congress seriously reconsider these proposed cuts:
The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Association
Disabled American Veterans
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Veterans For Common Sense
Military Order of The Purple Heart
The American Legion
Please contact your Congressional representatives and ask that they stand strong against this funding cut.
Our nation can not send our troops to wars and ignore the warriors when they return.