I agree with the Chicago Sun-Times and their endorsement of Rahm Emanuel who I will vote for this week. I know he is not popular here on DU and I understand why.
I don't expect this to be a popular choice for Mayor of Chicago on DU and in progressive circles but many of the folks who passionately disagree with this endorsement are not Chicago voters. I respect those who don't support him, I just hope that there is respect for those of who do support him.
Go Rahm, Go!
Rahm Emanuel for mayorChicago, the crossroads of the nation, is at a crossroads of its own.
The city can work along the margins to fix its problems, an incremental approach sure to doom the city to second-tier status in a decade or two. Or it can take bold and decisive action, of the kind Chicago is known for, and continue as a thriving player in the new global economy.
We believe there is one candidate in the race for mayor who is best suited to lead this charge into the city’s future.
His name is Rahm Emanuel.
He has the vision, the policies, the management experience, the political sophistication and the sheer force of personality to be a powerfully effective mayor.
He gets big things done.
As a top adviser in the Clinton White House, Emanuel played a leading role in passing the COPS initiative that put an additional 100,000 police officers on the streets of America. As a congressman from Chicago, he helped improve schools and breathe new cultural and economic vitality into Lincoln Square, one of our city’s most vital neighborhoods.
As a leader of the national Democratic Party, he led the party’s successful effort to capture the House majority in 2006. As chief of staff to President Obama, he helped the president score several historic victories, including health care reform.These are the accomplishments of a high-minded man charging through life. As mayor, we believe he would be just as adept at bringing a new library to South Shore or attracting new investment from China.