They will become pariahs I predict. They will soon be attacked and maybe challenged by Teabaggers. Their footdragging and treason will not go un noticed forever. Screwing america, to gain a campaign advantage will get them stifled. As happened Egypt etc, out of the blue, so will unforseen events bring the hate crowd to ruin. So as Palin's luck ran out, so too will all the Rethugs that want 1800s and state it clearly. They have been ramming that whole The people demanded tripe forward, with less than close reality. It will bite them hard. When they start spewing Dickens being the solution to our problems, we will send them packing. Every family has members that would be republican death purged had Rethugs their druthers.
And their hands off faith, that if we do nothing, that is the best we could possibly achieve, fools fewer with time. Republicans screaming the sky is falling is so normal, that we will increasingly tune them out. This is Extinguishment. They have already used Hitler, Stalin and Mao to describe Obama and liberals. They shot their wad, blew their load, Spent their ammunition, in Palinspeak. There is nothing to do for them but act like reality show catty women. Drama queens, with tears, and raw emotion. These being the opposition, and them showing no original ideas, or even logical old ones. We will soon tire of having the dolts among us in charge. Quiet efficient tending to business will be the new hair on fire, and the Rethugs have no language to express their dislike. They already went Hitler.
We will be the adults soon, as the Rethugs try to make us think we will default. They will scare all the elderly and handicapped. They've already lost the youth. Minorities and Women are'nt digging their culture war antics. The Supreme court under a dark cloud. We have ammo aplenty, when we GO NEGATIVE. This aint the time yet. They will pay for their idiocy and treason. BUT, if they somehow rig and win, they will rejigger the works to perpetuate their win. Time to stomp.