Egypt is the pivot of a revolution. Yes, Tunisia started as far as the ME is concerned (even though both Egypt and Tunis are in North Africa)... but this is not something to sneeze at.
Israelis (as in the Israeli government) is having a real case of pepto bismol by the truckload, since the old devil you know is better than the new one you do not know. For Israel this will be a hard stretegic matter. If the peace treaty with Egypt collapses, there will be ANOTHER war. No, not me saying it... why Egypt was critical.
Now my opinion is that the new Egyptian government will not want to go back to 1967 or 1973... even if in 1973 they did bloody the IDF and it is seen as almost a good war. Now SOME in Egypt may want to go there... but whoever succeeds will not want to. That does not mean that this will be an easy state to move one way or the other.
What we are seeing is a popular revolution. This scares everybody, even democratic Israel. I said it yesterday, this is a reaction to globalization and economic pressures. It will NOT stop in Egypt. In some places, the RIGHT may be voted out... in others it will take this kind of commitment, and yes. blood. But in my view what we are seeing is a reaction and that is scaring the pants out of leaders.
Now to the US... depending on what happens and how we act just how much soft power evaporates. No, it is nto a matter of whether it is going to go away,,,, but just how much. It is another pointer of how much we are now a declining power.
Now to Israel... expect it to look for new patron states, and for it's alliances with both China and India to strengthen. It is a survivor, and if they perceive Israel is getting abandoned by the US... whether because we decide to, or more likely our soft power is mostly gone... well guess what? Like France before us...
But the RIGHT all over the world is scared about this.
Oh and I will not discount the Muslim Brotherhood from getting SOME power out of this... after all the play book AQ uses was invented by them, and fascilitaed by the Egyptian state, with a lack of social services for the poor.
Oh and just now on Al Jazera, the army will not turn on the people. Now confirmed. Listening to it while doing work while waiting for hubby to finish his class, across from the college.