you ready for Reaganpalooza? February 6 will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ronald Reagan, and the coming week will be loaded with events, op-eds, and television packages commemorating the day and celebrating the 40th president.
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and the University of Southern California are holding an academic-star-studded conference on the Reagan legacy. Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at a gala being mounted at Reagan's former ranch in Santa Barbara, California.
Preparing for the Reagan centennial, the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which seeks to name schools, roads and courthouses across the country after the Gipper, launched a new website. Past and present Reaganites will be out in force -- on cable television, on editorial pages, on blogs -- to hail Reagan as the greatest president of the past century, or the nation's entire history.
The Reagan acolytes will contend that he brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union with his hawkish stance and tough talk ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!") and revived the U.S. economy with tax cuts and spending cuts. That he single-handedly restored American greatness after the gloomy 1970s. All this is debatable.
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