Tucker Carlson to David Brooks to Mark Zuckerberg, here are the Americans we should be least proud of.
--Carl Paladino
Charges: Old-school racist, homophobe, hypocrite and purveyor of small gubmint horse porn, the would-be NY Governor’s real estate wealth comes largely from government subsidy of distressed properties. The Tea Partier wanted to impose “eminent domain” to stop the “Ground Zero Mosque,” and called for welfare recipients to be housed in old prisons, taught hygiene and used as a source of cheap labor. Carl’s homophobia came across as all the more strange when he insisted to the New York Post’s Fred Dicker, “I’ll take you out, buddy!”
--Julius Genachowski
Charges: Despite agreeing with his Harvard classmate and b-ball buddy Barack Obama to “take a back seat to no one” in his commitment to net neutrality, the FCC Chair let AT&T and Comcast drive new internet “regulations” into the middle of the class war. The new rules read like an industry wish list and ensure that the internet will continue to be awesome—if you can afford it. The rest of us will be stuck with a slow-moving, advert-laden, hard-to-navigate wasteland of bad information. Also, the rules leave wireless largely untouched—meaning it’s arguably within a provider’s right to determine what content you can and cannot access. This will mean something to you when they cut off your pr0n.
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