The REALLY Scary Thing About the Egyptian Revolution
by Granny Doc
Tue Feb 01, 2011 at 07:09:45 AM PST
For a week now, I have been puzzling over the various comments, and attempts to gin up hysteria, pervading the media coverage of the popular uprising in Cairo. There was something askew, leaking through in such small doses, that I could not put into words what was bothering me. Then, this morning, Chuck Todd said it,
"A peaceful movement without a leader."Imagine the horror of that!!
It is possible for millions of people to gather and without some jacknape with an AK47 threatening them,
they can police themselves..............
After decades of a popular media producing films of crowds gone wild, women who scream, men who can't control their violent impulses, and the need for a "strong" leader to keep civilization on track, what must it do the subtext of every disaster, political, and religious themed attempt to
cow the public into accepting an overlord?We don't need no stinkin' badges!the rest: WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' OVERLORDS EITHER!!!, kpete