Karl Rove urges GOP to campaign on eliminating Medicare by Jed Lewison
Fri Feb 04, 2011 at 07:38:03 AM PST
...Instead of automatically being covered by Medicare, seniors would be given a subsidy for purchasing private coverage on a health insurance exchange. If that sounds familiar, it's because that's the way health care reform delivers insurance in individual market. The difference is while health care reform delivers universal coverage to a market that doesn't currently have it, eliminating Medicare and replacing it with private insurance would actually cause costs to skyrocket because private insurance costs rise much more quickly than Medicare.
So how would the Rove plan save money? Simple: by capping the size of the subsidy. Of course, that doesn't mean health care costs won't continue to rise. It just means if they rise faster than subsidy (which they will), then you won't be able to afford health care insurance. Oh well, tough luck for you. But hey, at least now we can afford to cut the Koch brother's taxes...
...The real way to bring down Medicare costs is by doing things like eliminating subsidies for programs that don't offer any tangible benefit, but Rove starts out his column by attacking Democrats for having done just that in health care reform. The real way to bring down health care costs is doing things like empowering Medicare to negotiate on drug prices and, yes, making Medicare available to every American.
But to Karl Rove, the best way to reduce Medicare costs is to eliminate the program entirely and replace it with a voucher, even though the voucher won't be enough to purchase equivalent care. It's hard to imagine a less popular proposal, yet this is the plan he wants Republicans to embrace in 2012. Well, bring it on. It would be a political gift for the ages.
http://www.dailykos.com/Rove's op-ed: