"Its time to stand up to and show the Unions that they are not going to control America any more."
"Sotomayor, Kagan, Obama and Holder have the same knowledge of the the Constitutionh and Juris Prudence as my dead dog. (note my dog has been dead for many years).
"Why does no one ever ask a liberal WHY “the rich” has to pay more taxes - what are the taxes for - where does the money go? Not IF they should be taxed, but WHY should they be taxed."
"No problem. We can all use free high speed internet, ride high speed trains and electric cars, and get free soup, free health care and free emergency instruction in the new national Arabic language courtesy, B. Hussein Obama."
"Glenn Beck said Tunisia is our “Archduke Ferdinand Moment”. Personally, I think all of these events are but acts in a long running play. The real question in my mind, are we seeing the lead up to the finale?"
"World War III began the night Obama was elected. It’s just that open hostilities here haven’t emerged yet. They will - when he devolves this country into a Weimar Republic where money is nothing more than paper to wipe your ass with."
"You missed the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) very large left-wing terrorist group that Senator Kerry was a leader of in the 70’s."
"I think once the South abolished slavery on its own it would have blossomed into the country our founding fathers had envisioned. Entrepreneurs, inventors, creators, and liberty lovers in the north, disgusted with the growing yoke of socialism and flirtation with communism, would have migrated to the South in droves, leaving the “progressives” in the north to sink ever deeper into the quicksand of their sick cultures and totalitarianism and filth.
Pretty much like today but without the South to prop them up."
"Cultures which are pro-homosexual endorse pederasty. It is never separated—whether the SA homosexual Brownshirts, the ancient Greeks and Romans, Sumarai Japanese, and the present day Afghanis. Pederasty is rampant in those societies because boys have to be initiated into the lifestyle when forming their sexual identities. Their nature is perverted. (Lesbianism is nothing but male hatred, hatred of the female body, and immorality)."