In a field of pygmies, Bush looks giganticBy Daniel Ruth, Times Columnist
February 22, 2011
There is probably a very good reason why, in the goo-goo eyes of so many in the Greek chorus of Republicans chanting and panting for his return to the hustings, Jeb Bush stands as an electoral colossus of the Club for Growth, the Rambo of the Cato Institute, the beefcake boy of the National Review.
Consider the current crop of GOP presidential pretenders positioning themselves for a run against President Barack Obama next year. For nonstarters there's Newt Gingrich, the bumptious gasbag bloviating at the end of the bar; Mike Huckabee, the Gomer Pyle with a pulpit; Mitt Romney, who can stand foursquare on any side of any issue; Tim Pawlenty, a man with all the charisma of a raw plantain; and of course Sarah Palin, who can see dollar signs from her back porch.
How tepid is this hanging chad of ambition?
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, who represents the Planet Kalidnoid 7, is making noises about casting her foil hat into the ring. There are even rumors that Gov. Rick Scott, who has been in office all of 20 minutes, might be thinking of selling off Air Force One and returning the United States monetary system to the pelt standard.
It's not that Jeb doesn't want to be president. Of course he does. He came out of the womb whistling Hail to the Chief. The issue, more likely, is that he doesn't want to put up with all the rubber chicken kabuki dancing required to get the nomination.
Can anyone one imagine the Little Lord Fauntleroy of Florida schlepping around Iowa or New Hampshire, enduring the indignity of sharing a dais with those other icky candidates when he should be coronated and transported to and from campaign events hoisted on a sedan chair carried by party loyalists?
It's awfully hard to pose for holy pictures when you're sharing the frame with Rudy Giuliani.
Some things simply aren't done. He's Jeb Bush after all, of whom a fellow Republican political opponent once observed, "He thinks he's spe-cial.
LinkLinkOn "The Snowy Day" in hell, perhaps.