the example of Scott Walker in Wisconsin, we can see clearly what we’re going to end up with if the Republicans are in charge: a return to the Articles of Confederation’s ineffective federal government and a bunch of petty little banana republic(an) despots owned by corporate interests, ignoring the law, running their states like private enrichment schemes and pretty much doing whatever they want in contravention of morality and decency and all accepted standards of proper conduct for elected officials.
There’s your Republican model of the future.
We’ve seen this before: from 1933-1945. The National Socialist Party, like the Republican, was in league with industrialists – Krupp, I.G. Farben, and others, a case of one devil selling his soul to another to get what he wanted. I.G. Farben, for example, contributed 400,000 RM (Reichsmarks) to Hitler’s campaign pocket book leading up to his seizure of power in 1933. Koch Industries, like those German industrialists, is buying the government so that Republican government and industrialists can both get what they want.
Extremism begets extremism; as Hitler himself was, he had subordinates whose behavior was so erratic that they had to be dismissed, including those who ruled the various German regions, known as Gau. These men, called Gauleiters were provincial governors who looked out not for the interests of the people they governed, but the corporate-political-military interests of the National Socialist Party. Scott Walker is doing a fine impersonation of a Nazi Gauleiter in Wisconsin.
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