Democrats, Progressives and Class War DenialismbyWords In Action - DailyKos TUE MAR 29, 2011 AT 01:38 PM EDT <snip> There are a lot of diaries and comments about the Class War. Great stuff, actually. And there's a lot out there about what D.C. should do about it. There are a few diaries about what "we" should do about it. There are many diaries lately about what is being done on specific fronts, such as WI, MI and OH. And very recently, some bandwidth has been given to speculation about why "we" (the people) aren't rising up here against the ruling elites like some people elsewhere. There are perhaps an infinite number of reasons why we shouldn't, can't and/or aren't taking larger, more comprehensive, decisive and definitive action. But they are ALL, every last one of them, forms of denial, ways in which we avoid taking full responsibility for the truly gargantuan task of truly dealing with the Class War (at least to the extent that certain expressions of human nature such as greed can ever be definitively put in check). Many of us already recognize that The Class War is shredding the fabric of society--destroying businesses, careers, jobs, employment benefits, employment conditions,unions, mortgages, partnerships, marriages, families, communities, the Middle Class, the Lower Class, the economy, civil rights, international treaties, the rule of law, all manner of progressive causes and on and on. And many of us agree thgat The Class War is expanding disaster capitalism, legal white collar crime, the income/wealth/influence gap, etc. But precious few of us think we aren't taking enough responsibility for the outcome of the War. We all seem to have a permanent pass on that.
Call it inertia, laziness, lack of empathy, lack of internalization, lack of moral imagination (yes), mediocrity, pragmatism, entropy, confusion, lack of understanding, under-estimation, lack of focus, whatever, these "reasons" are all, by this time, forms of denial.
More than enough information has floated in over the transom for people to know by now the history and present status of the war, and general trend-lines of the future are easy enough to project. The Class War is not merely inconvenient, it is devastating. It has practical implications, it has philosophical and moral dimensions. It affects some more than others, but still everyone on the planet. (And it affects the planet.) Many of these are unwitting victims, like people who haven't even been born yet, who will be born into the War out of control. And the status of the War will have been in part our responsibility as actors who have influence on the outcome, particularly when we organize and work together, which we all know to be true. Anyone who doesn't accept this is denying something. Many things actually... <snip> More: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/03/29/961229/-Democrats,-Progressives-and-Class-War-Denialism:kick: