This isn't about those who blatantly avoid the system because they're assholes. Everyone can agree they're bastards and should have their nuts removed.
this is about the system in general.
I'm going through my divorce papers here in Minnesota (where I live) and I was thinking about the system. Here is a no-fault divorce system. My ex and I have already split everything. BTW No kids, so I don't have a dog in this fight at all.
But it does occur to me that the system is very HEAVILY lopsided towards women. Putting custody aside, which almost always goes to the mother, but the alimony and child support monies as well. I'm no saying this isn't important... but it quite often bankrupts the men, even when they agree to pay. They are penalized on their before tax income, but the money is taken out after taxes.
It's all well and good to say that the father must pay X per child until year 18, but how often is that abused? Especially if the wife was cheating on the man, and it's not his kid! (i've heard that more than once) Even when the woman re-marries, why is alimony and support payments still required?
doesn't that seem rather unfair?
Like I said, I don't have a dog in this fight. My ex make more, and is was always the one worth more than I. I'm glad the paperwork is how it is, otherwise she'd probably have to pay ME alimony, and I don't want that.
I also find it... distressing that the count could decide to award me alimony and shares in her property, dispute my giving all that up, just because they think it's unfair because I was "around" when said fortunes were made.
We've already decided how it's going to be, and that's that. Why should the courts get involved when they're not wanted?
And the gays want in all of this? more power to them.