For instance, I'd rather not have my 7 year old watching Family Guy, considering that the one that he just watched consisted of 24 minutes of Brian the dog trying to figure out how to screw Lois. I can only explain so many bestiality jokes before I begin to lose patience.
Speaking of losing patience, the NetFlix FAQ is faqqing worthless. The only suggestion that it offered re: blocking specific titles was, basically, this: "You can block movies for everyone or nothing for anyone. That's it."
Did it ever occur to the good people @ NetFlix that maybe just maybe I don't want my kids sneaking downstairs to watch My Tutor while we're still asleep, while at the same time I don't want to have to log into the website every time that I want to give myself permission to watch Reservoir Dogs? Sure, I could log in to change the account preferences, but as I just now found out this requires me to log in five (5) separate times. Yes, five.
Surely there must be some better solution.
By the way, anyone who suggests "maybe you should keep track of what your kids watch" has never actually seen children in real life.