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Acorn TV

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beac Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-11 10:43 AM
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Acorn TV
No, no... not footage of O'Keefe dressed like a pimp and behaving like an ass.;)

This is a site I found through a link from the PBS website. It bills itself as "The very best of British TV streaming free."

It appears to concentrate the type of programs you'd see here on PBS' Masterpiece Theatre or Mystery (yea, yea, I know they've combined those into one "program" but I'm old-school and still think of them as separate entities) with some modern "legal drama" shows as well.

Here's the blurb on how it works:

With Acorn TV - Free Access, all registered users may watch the first episode from each of the series offered on Acorn TV. As a Premium member, you have Acorn TV - Premium Access and can watch all of the episodes offered in Acorn TV (approximately 45 episodes at a time with one new series added each week and the oldest series removed each week). Acorn TV Premium members (not including Trial members) can also watch “Now Showing” episodes anywhere worldwide as long as they have purchased their membership in the United States or Canada

And there's no limit either on the Free Access or the Premium.

A year costs $24.99. I am definitely considering this. Just over $2 a month seems like a bargain to get all those UK programs.

Anyway, thought I'd pass it on for any other Anglophile addicts out there.
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-11 03:00 PM
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1. I discovered this a few months ago during their free trial
I love it!
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Lydia Leftcoast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-11 10:37 PM
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2. It would be a good deal if I hadn't seen most of their featured programs already
either on TV or through Netflix.
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