from :Synopsis
The show follows the misadventures of three Roman Catholic priests who live in a parish on the fictional Craggy Island, located off the west coast of Ireland. Father Ted Crilly, Father Dougal McGuire and Father Jack Hackett live together in Craggy Island's parochial house, along with their housekeeper Mrs Doyle, who often wants to serve them tea. The three priests answer to Bishop Len Brennan, who assigned them the Craggy Island parish due to different incidents in their past: Ted for alleged financial impropriety (apparently involving some money 'resting' in his account and a child being deprived a visit to Lourdes so that Ted could go to Las Vegas), Dougal for something only referred to as the "Blackrock Incident" (resulting in many "lives irreparably damaged"), and Jack for his alcoholism and womanising. The show revolves around the priests' lives on Craggy Island, sometimes dealing with matters of the church but more often dealing with Father Ted's schemes to either resolve a situation with the parish or other Craggy Island residents, or to win games of one-upmanship against his arch-nemesis, Father Dick Byrne of the nearby Rugged Island parish.
Critical acclaim
In 1995 and 1998, the show won the BAFTA award for Best Comedy, while Morgan also won a BAFTA in 1998 for Best Comedy Performance.<3> At the 1996 British Comedy Awards, McLynn took the Top TV Comedy Actress award.<4> In 2004, the series finished eleventh in the BBC's poll to find "Britain's Best Sitcom". It was the highest-placed comedy not originally broadcast by the BBC.