on justin.tv a private channel on Roku that I've been watching all week. In fact I've gone through most of the seasons of House. The rub is that the episodes stream live, but continuous, so you cannot pick out your episode. It does tell you before each episode which season and episode it is as well as the title. The video quality is not real good, but watchable. It doesn't stutter or break up or anything, and besides I am usually doing something else besides watching.
The first House patient from the pilot was Robin Tunney, Lisbon from
The Mentalist:
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTUwOTM2Mzk3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzE3NTgz._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpgThe plot:
Young kindergarten teacher Rebecca Adler collapses in her classroom after uncontrolled gibberish slips out of her mouth while she is about to teach students.
Turns out I've seen the pilot before but didn't realize it was the pilot before. I haven't streamed Netflix all week because I've been enjoying justin.tv watching episodes of Criminal Minds and Freaks and Geeks and others.