OK, I think with all that is going on politically, economically, socially, and environmentally, it's pretty obvious that our society and our planet is facing tough times, to put it mildly. I've been thinking a lot about my own situation lately financially as well as how I feel like I'm being impacted by the trends around me. In a nutshell, I'm basically cash poor but I am lucky enough to be in a relatively affluent household with a lot of savings, so the wolf isn't at the door just yet. I know that I am infinitely better off than so many people, and I try to always remember to count my blessings when I'm feeling a little down. What the future may hold for all of us is anyone's guess at this point, but I'm trying to find ways to make it better.
One of the things I've been thinking about lately is frugality. I fight my own inner demons with that one -- it's so tempting just to cruise through the drive-through on the way to work and pick up a drink or even breakfast, when I could have just gotten up 10 minutes earlier and made it at home much cheaper. Or, I will sometimes go the the little lobby convenience store in the office building where I work and buy a single serving bottle of pop for $1.50 when I could have brought my own 2 liter to work at a much lower per-serving price (but, then, I am supporting the cute Korean family that runs it by patronizing their store -- I'd rather help out a mom and pop operation than a corporate behemoth).
Economically, these are still challenging times. Everything goes up but the paycheck. Gas is $3.599 here now. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan just announced ANOTHER rate increase -- this will be the fourth time in not quite 2 years that my health insurance is going up -- at least this time, it's 7 to 9 percent, not the 36% they hit me with in 2009. Had a fuel oil fill yesterday, THAT bill won't be pretty -- the idiots haven't been out since early December, and the tank was about 3/4ths empty -- I'm on the "keep full" plan - if they came earlier, it would have been a cheaper rate per gallon -- my sister lives next door, and they've been at her house in January and February topping her tank off, they forgot me (they have the WORST customer service, and they also frequently mix up our accounts).
At least I got my income tax refunds -- I filed by mail about 3 weeks ago, and I got both my Michigan and my Federal refunds now via electronic deposit - I'm surprised it was so fast. Going straight to pay off a credit card!
I've also been doing other little projects -- rewashing ziplock bags (who knew it would work out so well), stocking up on bargains when I find them (yesterday, 34 1/2 ounce "bonus size" bottles of Ajax dishwashing liquid were 10 for $10, the 11th is Free at Meijer, resulting in a final net price of $0.89 a bottle, which is really cheap for dishwashing detergent -- not quite as good as Dawn, but Ajax is definitely better than many of the other brands). I've been stocking up on cheap meat (bought 3 big turkeys when they were 49 cents a pound). I'm definitely expanding and refining my gardening efforts this year, planting more of my staple crops like potatoes, carrots, beans, peas, corn, and devoting less space to things that either don't grow well here (okra) or that we don't use much of (say, kohlrabi or turnips). I've also been going through my house and my pantry in particular trying to find creative uses for things that need using up -- found a whole bunch of plastic containers from things like cottage cheese that I'm going to use in my greenhouse to start transplants for the garden. I also found some older foods that haven't been used but are still good, and am putting those front and center to use them up. A while back, my oil pan got a small hole and leaked -- the car isn't under warranty, and the cheapest quote I found to fix it was about $850 -- I fixed it myself with a 70 cent silicone cupcake liner as a gasket, a 15 cent threaded bolt from Home Depot, and a $5 tube of high temperature silicone sealant.
Finally, I'm trying to "give back" or "pay it forward" or whatever you want to call it to help those I can in ways I can. I've been taking excess eggs and produce from my garden (not so much this time of year, of course) to a couple of neighbors. I've been canning, freezing, and preserving as much as I can to give to my sisters and my niece for their families. Been also taking extra eggs and produce (once again, in season) in to work to share with my boss and the other paralegal I work with.
I read a lot of online message board and sites devoted to politics, as DU obviously is. I've come to the conclusion that the far right is all about fear -- the live in fear of the "other" that doesn't look, think, and act exactly as they do. And, they want to instill that fear on all of us in many ways -- they seem to want us to live in social fear, in economic fear, in political fear, always waiting for things to get worse. One way to NOT let them win is to refuse to play the game. I remember the passage from Solzhenitzyn's "One Day In Life of Ivan Denisovitch" where Ivan, despite the fact that he was in the Gulag in Siberia and was sentenced to hard labor under grueling conditions, was assigned to lay bricks, and he decided that one thing they could NOT take away from him was his pride in how skilled he could be at building a true, straight, and sturdy brick wall, so he really got into his work and made it a good day. I feel like that at times --- if I refuse to let them bring me down, it becomes a small victory for the day. I believe in an episode of M*A*S*H, the character of Hawkeye Pierce once said in answer to the question of how he could survive in that environment of carnage and despair that "I can cry or I can laugh. I choose to laugh." That's how I feel.
So, I pose these questions -- what good, frugal ideas have you come up with to stretch the budget? What kind of little victories have you had that made you feel like you won one battle in the war (mine was yesterday, when I found 34 cent cucumbers and a bag of 4 peppers for 80 cents on the discount rack in the produce aisle at Meijer)? What are you doing to enjoy life without spending a lot of money? What are your financial plans? How do you think you will be able "live well" on less and still enjoy life? Please share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, as well as your practical tips and solutions. TIA. Solidarity and Peace.