We just had a pest control guy come and give us a consult. We have a house only 20 years old, but in a suburb where there is plenty of wildlife. For years now we have heard them scritching and scratching and scampering inside our walls and ceilings during the cold weather months, not to mention the stench when one of them died in there, so this time I'd had it and called.
Result: he looked around and didn't see any obvious places where they could get in, except under the door to our attached garage where the bottom rubber thing was partly broken away. From there they'd climb the garage wall, run across the top and into the attic area of our house.
He said there is actually no way to completely seal them out; they can get into the smallest cracks and you'd drive yourself nuts trying to caulk everything everywhere.
The answer is bait. He went into the attic and put some round balls of some poison stuff around, and also in the top corners of the basement, behind the insulation for good measure. And he put some in some top recesses in the garage. The idea is that they can get in, but they will die up in the attic and we won't smell them.
My husband also went and got a new rubber seal for the bottom of the garage door, so hopefully we won't even be getting any of the little buggers into the house, or fewer anyway.
And it has worked. All is quiet in the ceiling and in the walls. No smells are emanating either. I don't feel too badly, although I would have if it were spring and nesting time, but it is not. And after all, this is war. I don't like killing even bugs without a good reason, but we have to do what we have to do sometimes.