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French group says 'non' to New Year [View All]

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Flagg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 08:48 AM
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French group says 'non' to New Year
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NANTES, France, Jan 1, 2007 (AFP) -

Taking the French love to say "non" to a new extreme, some 600 people gathered in the western city of Nantes not to ring in the New Year, but to protest its arrival on Monday.
Lashed by rain, the organisers joked even the weather was against 2007, as they milled about under banners reading "No to 2007!" and "Now is better!"
"The world will come to understand that it must stop this mad course towards the future and we demand the governments of the world and the United Nations declare a moratorium to stop this December 31 the future," said one of the organisers.
The tension mounted as the minutes ticked away, but the arrival of midnight and 2007 did nothing to dampen their enthusiasm as they began to chant "No to 2008!".
Organisers vowed to resist pressure from watchmakers and calendar printers to hold the event for a third time on December 31, 2007 on the Champs-Elysees in Paris.
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