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CNN: Key Senate chairmen to outline Iraq oversight at Tuesday news conference [View All]

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 01:20 AM
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CNN: Key Senate chairmen to outline Iraq oversight at Tuesday news conference
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Monday, January 08, 2007
Key Senate chairmen to outline Iraq oversight

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democratic chairmen of Senate committees with oversight responsibility over the Iraq war will outline their plans for hearings in a news conference Tuesday, one day before President Bush delivers a prime time address to the American people on his new approach to the war-torn country.

Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden of Delaware, Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin of Michigan, Intelligence Chairman Committee Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, and Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy of Vermont will be on hand, a Democratic leadership aide tells CNN.

This comes as Senate Democrats wrestle with how to respond to the president on Iraq and reconcile their pledge not to cut funding for the troops while opposing what they call a "blank check" for Iraq. Top Senate and House Democrats are in ongoing meetings to craft a response to the president's speech Wednesday night.
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