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Reply #2: Not a bad one, fortunately, and it wasn't the pipeline itself - [View All]

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northofdenali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
2. Not a bad one, fortunately, and it wasn't the pipeline itself -
This was just north of Coldfoot.

The pipeline was shut down shortly after a worker found the apparent slow leak while conducting routine maintenance and surveillance along the pipeline about 8:20 a.m. today.

The leak occurred at what is known as Remote Gate Valve 32, one of 177 major valves on the pipeline that close to prevent large spills in the event of a major problem.

It wasn’t the valve itself, nor the actual pipeline, that leaked, Heatwole said. Rather, it’s believed the leaking oil came from a smaller “bypass valve” that’s part of Remote Gate Valve 32, he said.

Location: Close to P4:


Rough time for cleanup - it's 42 below here in Fairbanks, about the same there but with wind (I've never been to Coldfoot when the wind wasn't blowing). Glad it wasn't in the pass (Atigun Pass); it would be even more difficult to find and fix. Didn't affect the Haul Road, either, just an access pad.
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