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Some light shed on Bush Guard service [View All]

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-14-04 04:26 PM
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Some light shed on Bush Guard service
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Houston Chronicle

Hundreds of files released; Dems say questions remain
By Michael Hedges

Washington -- Seeking to stop the political battering over hes 1970s Air National Guard duty, President Bush released hundreds of pages of records Friday that filled in some of the blanks about his service and left others open.

The documents provided no obvious explanation for why Bush neglected to take a physical examination in 1972, resulting in loss of his status as a pilot.

But the documents released Friday indicated Bush's transfer to the Alabama squadron wasn't approved until September 1972, months after Bush's presence as recalled by Calhoun.

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