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My pact is with Germany, Chirac tells Blair [View All]

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kskiska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-18-04 11:04 PM
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My pact is with Germany, Chirac tells Blair
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Tony Blair's strategic ambition to position Britain as an equal partner with France and Germany at the heart of an expanded Europe was publicly rebuffed at the Berlin summit last night by President Jacques Chirac.

With the prime minister a few feet away as the EU's "big three" grappled to generate fresh momentum for the sluggish European economy, Mr Chirac insisted that the Franco-German relationship is "very specific" - and not for export.

"It is not something that can be transposed or exported in the short term. It is a very intense relationship which is illustrated by regular contacts, daily contacts between government and public officials," he reminded Mr Blair.

With TV cameras on him Mr Blair took the first chance he could to say he "totally agrees about the Franco-German relationship. It is a very specific relationship". But the three countries can and will work closely together for the common benefit of all Europe, he said. "There should not be any sensitivity about this, any sense of exclusivity," Mr Blair emphasised.

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