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Kerry Hailed as Ally of Wider World on Environment [View All]

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 12:37 AM
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Kerry Hailed as Ally of Wider World on Environment
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OSLO (Reuters) - Environmentalists fete John Kerry (news - web sites) as a possible savior in a stalled battle against global warming if the Democratic front-runner topples President Bush (news - web sites) in the November election.

"Kerry has probably been the greatest champion of climate change issues with (Joe) Lieberman in the U.S. Senate," said Jennifer Morgan, director of the WWF environmental group's climate change program.

European governments, among the strongest backers of the U.N.'s stalled 1997 Kyoto protocol meant to limit global warming, would welcome a shift toward Kerry's environmental policies after years of transatlantic feuds with Bush.

"Clearly we would like the new administration, whether Republican or Democrat, to come closer to European policies on the environment in particular," said Diego de Ojeda, a spokesman for the European Union (news - web sites)'s executive Commission in Brussels.


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