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309 Confirmed Dead in Iran Train Blast [View All]

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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 05:49 AM
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309 Confirmed Dead in Iran Train Blast
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309 Confirmed Dead in Iran Train Blast

NEYSHABUR, Iran - Rescuers choking on fumes put out the blaze Thursday in dozens of train cars carrying fuel and chemicals that derailed and exploded, while the province's government said that 309 people had been confirmed dead in the tragedy.

The city, meanwhile, buried its governor and residents scanned lists of the dead for friends and relatives. Bulldozers and cranes were used to sort through the debris of villages and train wreckage 20 miles east of Neyshabur, and emergency workers collected human remains torn by a blast so powerful it devastated five villages.

Hassan Rasouli, governor of Iran's northeastern Khorasan province, told reporters 309 bodies had been recovered by midday Thursday. He said 460 people had been injured.


309 Confirmed Dead in Iran Train Blast
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