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Kerry win may spell trouble for Blair [View All]

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JoFerret Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 07:46 AM
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Kerry win may spell trouble for Blair
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Edited on Thu Feb-19-04 07:47 AM by JoFerret§ion=news

LONDON (Reuters) - Bill Clinton's re-election as a Democratic U.S. president in 1996 gave a massive boost to Tony Blair's successful bid to lead his own centre-left Labour Party to power in Britain a year later.

Blair was seen riding a global trend, his aides collaborated with Clinton's in both men's election triumphs, and the pair became close friends as their parties fraternised.

So two election cycles later on both sides of the Atlantic, the prospect of Democratic front-runner John Kerry toppling George W. Bush's right-wing Republican administration in November is cheering Blair as he mulls a 2005 election, right?

Wrong. At least in the short-term.

The British prime minister has become so politically wedded to Bush -- mainly via the Iraq war -- that the election of a liberal U.S. president with ideological roots far closer to his could, ironically, be more of a liability than a benefit.

"Defeat for Bush, though it could well be on the economy, would be seen by Blair's critics in this country as a vote against Iraq policy and therefore as a blow for Blair by them," said Warwick University politics professor Wyn Grant.>>


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