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U.S. Counting on U.N. for Help in Iraq [View All]

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Barrett808 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 11:54 AM
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U.S. Counting on U.N. for Help in Iraq
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U.S. Counting on U.N. for Help in Iraq
By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON - As it weighs a major change in how to transfer political power to Iraqis, the Bush administration is relying ever more heavily on the United Nations (news - web sites) to help clear the remaining high hurdles ahead.

It is an ironic turn of events for an administration that worked hard to keep the United Nations role in the background in the reconstruction of Iraq (news - web sites) after the toppling of President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites). Now the United States is counting on the U.N.'s influence to help reach a solution to the ever-more complex political stalemate.

Any U.N. help may be slow in coming though. It could take at least a week to 10 days more for Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) to formulate all of his recommendations, according to one U.S. official's estimate. That would be a crucial delay with a July 1 self-imposed American deadline looming for the handover of power in Iraq.

As for the U.N. itself, Annan may seek a new resolution in the Security Council to support his political intervention into Iraq, and that could produce further delay.

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