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Reply #10: Would you have believed this could happen four years ago? [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-20-04 04:26 AM
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10. Would you have believed this could happen four years ago?
From the article:
James Zahn, a former Agriculture Department microbiologist, said he discovered accidentally that pig farms in southwestern Minnesota, northern Missouri and Iowa were emitting airborne bacteria. Because pigs are often fed antibiotics, Zahn speculated that airborne bacteria from farms could include drug-resistant bacteria, which, if breathed by humans, would make them harder to treat when ill.

Zahn presented his findings at a scientific conference in 2000, but the Bush administration stopped him from publishing his data 11 times between September 2001 and April 2002, he said. When Danish researchers sought to learn more about his work, Zahn wasn't allowed to share his techniques.
How, HOW can this happen? I'd like to hear a Bush apologist explain how this is NOT outrageous, contemptible, and downright evil.

This IS surpression, is it not? How do we accept this?
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