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Slaughterhouse Owners Dispute USDA Claims [View All]

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kayell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 02:51 PM
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Slaughterhouse Owners Dispute USDA Claims
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MOSES LAKE, Wash. - Standing in front of their family business, the owners of a small slaughterhouse that killed a Holstein with the nation's first case of mad cow challenged the government's assertion the animal couldn't walk.

The cow walked off a truck at Vern's Moses Lake Meat Co. and exhibited no signs of the central nervous disorder, said Tom Ellestad, who co-manages the plant.

The issue is important because Agriculture Department officials who monitor meat plants target "downer" cattle — animals that are injured or exhibit symptoms of disease — for testing of mad cow. Critics have argued that the agency also needs to test healthy animals as a safeguard against the brain-wasting illness, which can incubate for four or five years.

Ellestad said Wednesday there is a strong possibility the illness never would have been detected had his company not tested it as part of a voluntary program to check healthy animals for the disease.

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