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Taliban Try to Frighten Afghan Voters in Rural Areas [View All]

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prodigal_green Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 03:48 PM
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Taliban Try to Frighten Afghan Voters in Rural Areas
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"You should not take an election registration card," the leaflets read, according to the local deputy police chief, Zazai Kamran. "If anyone does, his life will be in danger." The leaflets also call on people to fight against the government.

But the pattern of violence, not only from the Taliban and Al Qaeda, but also from warlords who maintain well-armed militias, is such that United Nations officials acknowledge that the elections may miss their June target date.

A number of government and foreign officials voiced doubts that elections could or should go ahead this year. Even if they did, large parts of the country might be excluded, which would jeopardize the legitimacy of the vote, they warned.

"I am concerned about the nonregistration of large numbers in the country, and the people's feeling that these are not free elections," said Sarah Chayes, coordinator of Afghans for Civil Society, a nonprofit organization in Kandahar.

"Even if some districts or provinces do not hold elections," a diplomat said, "the overall result could be accepted as broadly representative, especially if Mr. Karzai emerges as a clear winner."

"especially if Mr. Karzi emerges as a clear winner"?!! Um, is this how we're planning on running our election?

Nice to see we ousted the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Can't wait to see what happens when we abandon Iraq!
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