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Mugabe floats retirement date | BBC [View All]

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Ediacara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Feb-21-04 02:07 AM
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Mugabe floats retirement date | BBC
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Edited on Sat Feb-21-04 02:07 AM by DinoBoy
Mugabe floats retirement date

Mr Mugabe has been isolated
by western leaders

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has indicated he will have retired as president in five years.

But Mr Mugabe, who turns 80 on Saturday, told state television he would still be active in politics.

"In five years, (I will be) here still boxing, writing quite a lot, reading quite a lot and still in politics," he said in the interview.

"I won't leave politics but I will have retired obviously," said Mr Mugabe, who has been in power since 1980.

Mr Mugabe won another six-year term as president in 2002 in elections which were disputed as fraudulent by the opposition.

More at the BBC
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