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Reply #12: When will our government learn that criminal behavior and corruption do not pay? [View All]

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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 05:08 PM
Response to Original message
12. When will our government learn that criminal behavior and corruption do not pay?
In the end, crimes and corruption never work out. Criminals usually get caught. Sooner or later corruption ends either in a bankrupt country or an unlivable society.

We should be stopping the corruption here at home. Obama seems to be silent about our domestic corruption. And it is rampant. The whole problem in Central Asia (and Poland) is due to corruption right here in our government.

Shutting our eyes to corruption has not been working. Why don't we start here and get rid of it.

Of course, Putin took advantage of our stupidity. He is worse than we are, but then that's the way things go when you start competing in a race to the bottom. And we have been racing to the bottom since the assassination of Kennedy with a brief interlude of honesty during the Carter administration. Other than that period, we've been headed downhill at an every increasing rate ever since November 22, 1963.
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