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Reply #3: Isn's that the grandson of Cuban US supported dictator Fulgensio Batista [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-10-10 07:50 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Isn's that the grandson of Cuban US supported dictator Fulgensio Batista
standing beside Jeb Bush? Raoul Cantero was made a member of the Florida Supreme Court, placed there by Jeb Bush, even though he has NO useful experience for the job.

Small world, isn't it? Here's his grandfather, the torture-loving, death-squad using Fulgencio Batista with one of his cabinet members, former Speaker of the House, Rafael Diaz-Balart, father of U.S. Florida Congressmen, Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart, good friends also of Jeb Bush. Rafael Diaz-Balart was originally an attorney for the United Fruit Company in Cuba, with which Prescott Bush was closely connected, and of which George H. W. Bush was a major stockholder when United Fruit changed its name to "Chiquita."

In the middle, Rafael Diaz-Balart standing between two Masferrer brothers, the
one on the left being a publisher, Senator, and head of his own death squad
called "Masferrer's Tigers." He was assassinated by a car bomb in Miami.,_president_of_Cuba,_1952.jpg

The Cuban President, Fulgencio Batista, the one our right-wingers loved, along with the U.S.'s own organized criminals, the U.S. Mafia

Lincoln and Mario Diaz Balart right behind Jeb Bush and Mel Martinez, a Cuban "exile" and George W. Bush's head of Housing and Urban Developement.

Mel and his boss.
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