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State Sen. Leland Yee Gets Racist Death Threats (for criticizing Limbaugh) [View All]

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villager Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 02:47 AM
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State Sen. Leland Yee Gets Racist Death Threats (for criticizing Limbaugh)
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Source: SF Chronicle

Mayoral hopeful Leland Yee gets racist death threats

Mayoral candidate and state Sen. Leland Yee said racist death threats were faxed to his San Francisco and Sacramento offices today. They appear linked to his recent criticism of right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh. The anonymous faxes, laced with racial epithets and misspellings, were addressed to "JoBama Rectum Sniffing Moron LEELAND LEE" and call Yee a "fish head," according to a copy provided by Yee's office.

The faxes include a drawing of a U.S. flag-adorned pickup truck towing a noose that is looped around what appears to be a caricature head of President Barack Obama. The document says: "Without exceptions, Marxists are enemies of the United States Constitution! Death to all Marxists! Foreign and Domestic!"

It also says: "Achtung! Fish Head Leeland Lee. Rush Limbaugh will kick your (insert racist and profane words here) and expose you for the fool you are."

Yee last week called on Limbaugh to apologize for mocking the Chinese language after Limbaugh used gibberish to mimic a speech by Chinese President Hu Jintao at the White House.

Yee's office said the faxed threats are similar to messages Yee received in April after he pushed for the disclosure of Sarah Palin's speaking fee at California State University at Stanislaus.


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