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Human Rights Watch says Jordan should stop stifling dissent [View All]

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 07:08 AM
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Human Rights Watch says Jordan should stop stifling dissent
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Source: AP

AMMAN, Jordan — An international human rights group says Jordan should stop stifling dissent and allow citizens to voice their grievances freely.

The New York-based group said Thursday that, despite permitting recent protests against inflation and unemployment, authorities in 2010 prosecuted dissidents and prohibited peaceful gatherings to protest government policies.

The group's World Report 2011 said people were detained for insulting King Abdullah II and the security forces, or for conducting opposition political gatherings.

Jordan researcher Christophe Wilcke cited remarks by Abdullah on Wednesday saying that all parts of society must be heard.

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