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Murdoch's News Corp accused of trying to bribe Australian senator [View All]

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 01:18 AM
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Murdoch's News Corp accused of trying to bribe Australian senator
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Edited on Wed Nov-23-11 01:31 AM by cal04
Source: The Guardian

Federal police investigate Bill O'Chee's claim he was offered favourable coverage if he voted against digital TV laws

Australian police are investigating a former senator's allegations that an executive from Rupert Murdoch's News Limited offered him favourable newspaper coverage and "a special relationship" in return for voting against government legislation.

Bill O'Chee made the allegations in a nine-page statement to police and they were published Wednesday by Fairfax Media newspapers, rivals of News Corp's Australian subsidiary.

The newspapers reported that an unnamed executive of News Ltd asked O'Chee during a lunch on 13 June 1998 to vote against his conservative government's legislation on the creation of digital TV in Australia. The News group stood to profit from the legislation failing.

Read more:

Investigation of political favours against News Ltd

Police probe ex-senator's claim against News Ltd
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